Anderson Elementary School staff is committed to the district vision of "Building tomorrow's leaders today." It is our mission to "Prepare all students to be responsible, resilient, resourceful and productive world citizens in a changing and diverse society."
Anderson Elementary School was named California Distinguished School and Title I Achieving School in 2008 due to the dedication of the talented staff and focus on instruction. Additionally, the self-esteem of each student is one of the most important aspects of our philosophy. We are implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SWPBIS), a framework for intervention practices focused on establishing a positive learning and teaching environment, and individual behavior supports needed to achieve success for all students. Core values are taught and trained with student and staff expectations for respect, responsibility and safety. We emphasize that students need to be active learners, take responsibility for this success and their actions, and learn to cope with life’s challenges. Students are assisted in becoming lifelong learners through a solid education program in which they explore a variety of subjects, develop their talents and abilities, and build a positive attitude toward other people, themselves, and problem solving.