The Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula offers a unique immersion opportunity for students to become fluently bilingual and bi-literate in English and Spanish. Students enter the first day of school and are immediately immersed in Spanish for half of the school day, and in English for half of the school day. Instruction in core subject areas such as math, science and social studies is provided through a target language (either English or Spanish) by highly trained teachers who specialize in developing second language fluency in children. Singing and social interaction are an integral part of our program. Beginning in Kindergarten, enrollment is monitored so that a balance of native English Speakers and native Spanish Speakers is created and maintained. The program is currently a K-8 locally funded charter school by the name of the Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula, or DLAMP. For more information about our program, please feel free to read through our Charter and Master Plan, or schedule a visit to our school at 225 Normandy Rd, Seaside, Ca. Please call for an appointment at (831) 899-1100.