Welcome to the Del Mar Heights website! Following completion of the school rebuild in the summer of 2024, Del Mar Heights will be a state-of-the-art campus positioned on an ocean-view bluff overlooking Torrey Pines State Park.
We are incredibly proud of our school and happy that you have taken the time to visit us online. Our website is an excellent vehicle to enhance communication between home and school and to be a valuable source of school news and timely information.
With a dedicated staff, eager-to-learn students, and involved parents, our school’s academic success, as measured by standardized assessments, places us among the top-performing schools in the state.
In addition to Del Mar Height’s rigorous academic program, we understand the value of teaching the whole child. Each week, students receive focused instruction (outside of the homeroom class) by credentialed teachers in the areas of science, music, art, physical education, and enrichment. STEAM+ provides robust and engaging opportunities for students to experience an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Purposeful learning occurs around clear concepts that require students to think critically and explore solutions to real-world problems. Our STEAM+ specialists work together with classroom teachers to enhance the core curriculum by providing students with opportunities for hands-on activities, problem-solving, teamwork, and exposure to the fine arts beyond what is possible in the general education classroom. Science and engineering concepts fuse together with technology and art! Physical education and music collide in ways never before imagined.
As part of a quality educational program, it is also our responsibility to support the character development of our children. To help students develop a range of skills they need for school and life, Del Mar Heights will support the development of empathy, self-control, embracing diversity, integrity, and grit across our classrooms, school, and home. To help us, we have implemented a comprehensive, research-based character education program called Second Step. The Second Step program for kindergarten through sixth grade is a universal, classroom-based curriculum designed to increase students' school success and decrease problem behaviors by promoting social-emotional competence and self-regulation. It teaches skills that strengthen students' ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions, and solve problems. Using Second Step skills creates a safer, more respectful learning environment that promotes school success for all.
Again, thank you for taking a moment to visit our website and we look forward to your involvement in our school.
Principal Peirson & Del Mar Heights School
A Tradition of Innovation
Del Mar Heights features many unique, award-winning programs:
Partnerships with UCSD: Science, Engineering, & Physical Wellness
Fully-Integrated Technology: iPads, Chromebooks, & coding instruction
Innovation Lab: project-based learning, design thinking, and engineering
Character Education Programs, Science and the district Second Step Curriculum
Opportunities for Enrichment and Extension: Student Leadership, Robotics, Drama, Glee Club, Improv Skills, Garden Club
Physical Wellness Program: Intramural Sports, Running Club, Junior Olympics, and Recess Runners Mileage Club
Inventive PTA Programs: Science Fridays - bringing scientists together with students, Heights Cares - a philanthropic program inspiring our children to become responsible world citizens, and Cultural Heights - cultural education and appreciation program.