The community is proud of the 74 year-old school that reopened in August 2014 as a result of a Pittsburg bond. The two story facility offers 30 classrooms, 3 computer labs, a Science lab, full court indoor basketball multi-purpose room, 2 teacher media rooms, 5 separate playground areas with a full baseball and soccer fields, and a secure building with electronic key cards.
The state of the art facility includes technologically updated classrooms with Wifi, document cameras, classroom printers, teaching wall with LCD projectors, classroom student computers, Elmo slates, student response clickers, and FM systems with voice projection. Teachers enjoy a 2:1 ratio of students to computers.
Teaching students to read is one of the most challenging tasks in education. Heights has several resources to empower teachers: Accelerated Reader with school incentive system, leveled library, DIBELS reading assessments and biweekly progress monitoring data provided for teachers, reading intervention coach, fluency and sight word routines, after school intervention, Reading Foundations resource binder for intervention during daily 30 minute universal access instruction time, and Treasures curriculum with leveled readers.