Ida S. Baker High School has been in existence since 2004, marking our ten year anniversary this school year. We are proud of the
establishment we have built, and look forward to continuing our work toward achieving our goals of preparing students to be not only college
and career ready, but life ready. We have high expectations and determinations for each and every student here at Ida S. Baker High
School. Our school community strives to prepare all students for whatever paths they choose in their transition to adulthood, for jobs and
careers, for postsecondary education, and most importantly for the lifelong learning that will be required for work now and in the future.
School leadership has paved the way for all stakeholder groups to work collectively in order to develop a mission and purpose for the school.
The principal facilitates opportunities for teachers and staff to work in professional learning communities in order to strategize ways to
implement the purpose, school wide initiatives, and the direction of the school.