Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School is located in the southwestern suburban area of Dougherty County in a rustic setting. River Road Elementary was the first name of this great school. In the early 1980's the school was renamed in honor of the renowned civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The school serves children in grades K-5 with two self-contained classes of exceptional students and one resource class. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the Dougherty County Gifted Education program. Our mission at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School is to provide an educational program that will inspire all students to: excel academically; achieve the necessary skills to become a productive individual in a global society; and achieve independence in problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary offers students a comprehensive educational program as mandated by the Georgia Department of Education and the Dougherty County Board of Education. Academic offerings are in the areas of Reading, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Health, Physical Education, Art Education, Music Education, and Character Education. Other educational programs added to enhance our curriculum are: Reading Intervention, Early Intervention Program (EIP), Reading First, Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety (CHAMPS), A+ Learning, Family Life, Computer Lab and Science Lab. Our school offers an after school remedial education program tailored to meet the needs of students who scored below the minimum level of proficiency on standardized tests. Our Exceptional Students programs also cater to the needs of our special needs student population.