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Shirakawa’s teachers are committed to meeting the instructional needs of all students by using a data-driven, schoolwide system for increasing student learning, improving instructional and management processes, and increasing the satisfaction of all stakeholders – students, parents, staff and community.
We offer a coordinated instructional program for all grade levels. All students learn and build on basic skills and concepts through a rich and engaging curriculum. Teachers meet regularly for grade-level planning and curriculum mapping. Teachers at Shirakawa School are currently focused on perfecting the use of progressive and innovative instructional strategies that will fully engage students in a highly interactive academic experience. Additionally, they have been focusing on professional development in the areas of: Guided Reading, Close Reading, Thinking Maps, Writers' Workshop, and the utilization of iPads in the classroom for eSpark (Math), Lexia (Reading), and other research-focused projects. The addition of eight new iPad carts allows teachers to meet students' individual learning needs.