Built in 1979, Sundance Elementary is located in a North County suburban community of San Diego known as Rancho Peñasquitos and has a current enrollment of 486 students. There are sixteen regular education classrooms, one critical skills classroom and three ASD classrooms in our school. The student demographics at Sundance show that it is approximately 46% White, 14% Filipino, 5% Hispanic, 17% Asian, 6% African American, 13% other and 13% declined to answer. There are 13% of students on free and reduced lunch. English Language Learners comprise 17% of the student enrollment.
Sundance prides itself on a safe, clean and orderly campus with a strong college-bound academic focus which supports a positive and caring learning environment. Strong networks of support services are provided to meet the needs of the students, while encouraging positive student behaviors through reward programs such as Catch of the Day recognition, Principal's Pride poster, Tribal Council (upper grades), Friday Flag ceremonies, etc.. Our staff maintains a comprehensive discipline policy based upon the Six Pillars of Character. Our school pledge and the six pillars of character are displayed throughout the campus and in the classrooms.