Mission Statement
"Ensuring meaningful learning experiences for student success"
We believe that all students can learn at high levels and that it is our responsibility - and an exciting challenge - to ensure that they do so! In order to ensure that our students learn, Southridge continues to develop as a learning community, with the following guiding principles:
A focus on learning for all students
A collaborative culture
Collective inquiry into best practice and current reality
Action orientation: learning by doing
A commitment to continuous improvement
Results orientation
We know how to help all students learn and our efforts are based on forty years of research about the best practices that effective, successful schools engage in. As part of this process we continually ask ourselves the following three questions:
What do we want students to learn?
How will we know when they've learned?
How will we respond when they have or have not learned?
Our Vision
To ensure that our school meets the needs of all students, families and staff members, we are committed to providing the following, which help guide our efforts to support students and families in all aspects of their school experience:
A clean, safe and welcoming environment that supports diversity and promotes tolerance
Engagement and support for families in all aspects of the school environment
A balance of academic and non-academic activities, to ensure that students enjoy and have fun at school
Meaningful learning through a rigorous, standards-based curriculum that develops critical thinking skills
Exploration of learning through electives, enrichment and extracurricular activities
Access to technology for all students, to support learning
Ongoing assessment of and for student learning, to guide the instructional program
An environment and structures that enable staff members to work collaboratively toward student learning
A system of interventions to support struggling students
Regular staff development to support the capacity and professional learning of all staff members