One of California’s most highly regarded schools, Pleasanton’s Walnut Grove Elementary School is situated in a scenic coastal valley just east of the San Francisco Bay. It is one of fifteen public schools within a middle class suburban hamlet of 60,000+. Pleasanton boasts a rich history, dating back to colonial America. Quality schools, combined with proximity to Silicon Valley employers, have made Pleasanton a destination-community for families.
Much like the town in which it thrives, Walnut Grove School enjoys a proud history - one in which educational innovation has long been fostered and practiced. Built in 1966 as a progressive “open-space” school, Walnut Grove has been recognized as a regional locus for “cutting-edge” educational practices for decades. Since its inception, "the Grove" has included progressive educational programs such as Discovery and other various Traditional programs. With the evolution of California State Teaching Standards and California's Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP's), Walnut Grove's educational programming has also evolved. Starting in 2012-2013 academic year, Walnut Grove merged its Discovery and various Traditional programs to form a hybrid educational model which incorporates the best of all programs.