Lark Ellen School was named after a famous opera singer and early Covina resident Ellen Beach Yaw. The first schoolhouse ever built on this site in 1884 to replace a 2 room schoolhouse, which opened in 1876. It was called the Foley-Brown school, named after it's two teachers. About 1920, another building was constructed on this site. In 1953, that building was declared inadequate and unsafe and was demolished and replaced slowly with the school we now have.
We are a K-5 elementary school, with class size reduction in place in our Transitional Kindergarten thru third grade classrooms. Lark Ellen is staffed with 16 regular education teachers, 2 special education teachers, 1 learning specialist, 4 part-time instrumental/classroom music teachers, 4 part-time PE teachers and 4 instructional aides. In addition, a psychologist, counseling intern, speech and language therapist, health clerk, home school liaison, adaptive P.E. specialist, occupational therapist, two school helpers, two playground supervisors, a school secretary, clerk, and principal are available to provide support in meeting the academic, personal and emotional needs of our students.