School Vision Statement: Latimer School will provide an exemplary educational experience for children in a caring, innovative learning environment where all members of the school community engage fully, collaborate productively, communicate effectively, and think critically and creatively.
Instructional Focus: Project Based Learning (PBL) was chosen as an instructional strategy focus for Latimer School. We believe coupling PBL with the extensive use of technology to enhance learning, creates active, engaged, real-world relevance and learning for students. Teachers are able to incorporate Common Core standards into projects, allowing students to learn in an integrated manner. Visit to view the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Math. Beginning in the 2017/2018 school year we will extend our STEAM focus by offering Project Lead the Way coursework for grades 4 - 8. Our new building will feature a fully equipped Science Lab and flexible space that we will utilize for this purpose.