Cupertino Union School District
Summer 2024
Facility use is currently at capacity. Summer 2024/Fall 2025 Field use only is now open. No additional facility use permits will be accepted from June 12, 2024 - August 31, 2024
Reservations for Summer 2025 (June 7, 2025 - August 1, 2025)
Requests will open in February 2025. Please follow the following process at that time to request a Facility Use Permit. Please note that the Google form will not be open and active until February 2025. The form will be closed once summer capacity is reached.
Complete this Google form beginning in February 2025.

Vendors: It has been brought to our attention by more than one of our sites, that food and beverages (excluding water) are being consumed in our classrooms and gyms. Per our T&C Section 14, "The use of food and beverages is prohibited in classrooms (including special classrooms), libraries, GLC’s, gymnasiums, and office/counseling areas. Any use of food and beverages is restricted to areas specifically authorized." If we continue to have these problems, vendors that are identified will risk their permit being cancelled. Please inform your coaches, staff and parents. We appreciate your help in this matter.

Thank you for your understanding.
West Valley Elementary School
Use of fields is controlled by the City of Sunnyvale starting at 4pm on school days, and all day on non school days. Please contact the city directly for more information.