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Work Order Management System

Simple and easy-to-use, yet powerful enough to handle any size operation

Whether you manage one building or an entire school district, Facilitron's easy-to-use Work Order Management system enables your M&O team to manage reactive work orders, create preventive maintenance work orders and track and manage assets in one stand-alone system.

Work Orders, PMs and Assets: Three Systems-in-One

Facilitron Work Management

Work Orders

Straightforward and easy-to-use , requesters, administrators and technicians can complete their respective tasks with just a few simple clicks—including adding labor and materials costs or associating equipment. Track and report on costs by job, project, trade, worker and more. Easily customize what appears on each form depending on a user’s role to create a system that matches your desired workflow and level of complexity.

Preventative Maintenance

Build unlimited profiles to manage repeating work or inspections then schedule and trigger preventive work orders for various sites with step-by-step inspection tasks and standards. Recurring profiles give you the ability to manage thousands of work orders all from a single profile . When changes occur to the profile over time, work orders can be easily updated in bulk, saving you from having to edit hundreds or even thousands of work orders.

Asset Management

Easily track and manage all assets and inventories including equipment, tools, materials and supplies and associate them with any work order or preventive work order. Assets such as equipment, vehicles and tools can be fixed to a specific building or location or set as movable and transferred between employees on demand. Consumable assets such as custodial supplies or replacement materials can be pulled from warehouse inventory or added directly to a work order for a specific job.

Connecting Work Order Management with Facility Schedules

As a part of the Facilitron platform, the Work Order Management system seamlessly integrates with our Scheduling & Reservations system to give your M&O team new visibility into all on-campus events —perfect for scheduling maintenance projects, or coordinating lights, HVAC or setups at scheduled events. Facility administrators can create “Reservation Work Orders” without switching systems, or work orders can be configured to initiate automatically when events are scheduled and approved. Reservation Work Orders remain connected to the event in the system, so that if the event is changed or cancelled, the work order is automatically updated.

Facilitron Work ManagementFacilitron Work Management

Learn why thousands of schools and facility owners have chosen Facilitron for their facility management and event scheduling platform.

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Why Should I Switch to Facilitron's Work Order Management System?

  • Easy-to-use system designed by facility maintenance managers to work the way you work
  • Guaranteed implementation by Facilitron’s Implementation Team
  • Get three systems-in-one—Work Orders, PMs and Assets—with no licensing fees
  • Bundled with Facilitron’s Scheduling and Reservations system —to connect facility schedules and utilization data with your maintenance system
  • Integration with Scheduling and Reservations system system allows you to schedule maintenance projects and block off facility use
Facilitron Work Management

Reactive Work Orders

Match Your System to the Experience Level of Your Users

Since no two operations are completely alike, our Maintenance Management System is designed to be fully customizable—so that each form for each user role can be configured to have as many or as few of its fields activated. This allows administrators to tailor their system to match the experience level of their users . The goal is often to create a system that’s as simple and as straightforward as possible—one that very clearly gets the needed information from the user with the minimum amount of effort and complexity.

No matter if you have a tried and true workflow or want to change from something antiquated to something more efficient, Facilitron’s Implementation Team works to customize the system to perform the way you want it . For those less certain of their workflow, Facilitron can provide guidance and best practices based on how the system is used most frequently and with the greatest efficiency.

Let’s look at a work order workflow with a typical setup through the “view” of several different user roles:

General Requester's View

Making a Request

Users with limited roles such as typical work order requesters can create requests with a simple, easy-to-use form with customizable fields. The system is configured to automatically know with which property a user is associated and pre-populates the locations on the form. Users simply add a description and optionally upload photos from any device. Options are also available for routing simple tasks to site workers to prevent district admins from being involved with basic onsite work such as refilling paper towels.

Facilitron Work Management
Work Order Status Reports

With Facilitron’s Work Order management system, requesters can access work order status reports from the system to keep track of the progress of their requests without having to contact maintenance administrators for an update, improving communication with schools and reducing workload on the front office.

Administrator's View

Assign Work Orders

System Administrators (i.e. the maintenance front office staff) receive and review work orders in a customizable queue filtered by status and purpose. For departments with a large staff, selecting a work category shows just the technicians of that specific trade, so administrators can easily assign the work order among the techs of their department. Or for operations with a central receiver, the receiver can assign the work order to the dispatcher for that department. Once the admin “receives” the work order, the admin, technician and requester automatically receive an email notifying them of the change of work order status.

Facilitron Work Management

Technician's View

Incoming Work Orders

Technicians navigate to incoming work orders assigned to them and simply enter the action taken along with the costs, both materials and labor, associated with the work. Mobile-friendly for any mobile phone or tablet, the highly customizable form can “gray out” certain fields on the technician’s view focusing their attention on the required fields and preventing technicians from altering original information.

Facilitron Work Management
Entering Labor and Materials Costs

Clicking the green quick costs button opens the costs window so the technician can easily enter labor, material or other costs. Labor costs can be configured to automatically calculate based on number of hours. Multiple workers time can be entered by one technician if more than one person contributed to the work. Labor costs are listed in a line item.

Facilitron Work Management

Material costs are entered on the Inventory/Material Costs tab with costs automatically calculated depending on inventory item and quantity. Materials used reduce quantities from consumable asset inventories. Materials purchased can be included with a field to enter material costs receipts.

Closing Work Orders

After a technician completes the work, enters costs, they close the work order. Depending on your preference, work orders can be closed by the technician or close it “pending”, an administrator’s review. This allows administrators to review work and associated costs before officially closing the work order.

Administrators may also review files attached (documents, photos or receipts) or they can view the history log which shows all the activity on the work order with dates, times status and notes. They can then close the work order, reopen and reassign it, or convert it into a project which creates new work orders associated with each other.

Facilitron Work Management

Boost Productivity with Facilitron Works Mobile

Get work done on-the-go with the Facilitron Works mobile app. We make it easy for facility maintenance technicians to use mobile devices to view work orders, quickly enter work order details, and move on to the next assignment.

While onsite, you can create new work orders on demand or view other work orders from the same location—all from the palm of your hand.

Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

Preventative or Recurring Maintenance

Build Unlimited Profiles to Manage Repeating Work or Inspections

Facilitron allows you to create custom inspection profiles that can serve as templates for recurring work orders. Profiles can be built for the entire operation, a property (or multiple properties), individual locations or even individual assets located at any location or warehouse. These profiles give you the ability to manage thousands of work orders all from a single profile.

Facilitron Work Management

Detailed Task Lists

Each profile can include a detailed task list that can be assigned an inspection standard for tracking results. Profiles can then be scheduled for any time period or length of time. Each profile and the associated work orders created from them are easily updated in bulk when changes occur over time. The inspection standard is customizable or is typically an industry standard. This flexibility lets you create your own standards with ratings, e.g. 1 through 10, 1-star/2-star/3-star, ABCDF, etcetera. By using standards, you can establish baselines for work performance relative to others, providing management benchmarks for evaluating staff.

Facilitron Work Management


Track and Manage All Assets, Equipment, and Supplies

Assets including equipment, tools, materials and supplies can be tracked, inventoried and associated with work orders or preventive maintenance inspection schedules. Recurring profiles can be built and assigned at the asset level for preventative maintenance or regular inspections. Reactive work orders can be connected directly to the equipment for servicing and historical reporting. Dedicated reporting includes asset depreciation, end of useful life, warranty expirations.

Facilitron Work Management

Consumables and Inventories

Consumables can be checked out of the warehouse, added directly to work orders for specific jobs, and pulled for a specific location’s use. Automate how supplies are transferred with automated disbursement quantities, reorder and minimum on-hand levels, and role based access to request supplies.

Facilitron Work Management

Move Equipment and Supplies Throughout the District with Toolroom

Assets can be fixed to a specific building and location or set as movable and transferred between employees on demand. Toolroom allows users to request equipment which can be fulfilled by a warehouse attendant. Items can be requested, attached to a specific work order and checked out for delivery or pick-up.

Facilitron Work Management

Maintenance Reporting

Access Data and Schedule it to Arrive in your Inbox

Ready-to-run reports on tasks, projects, workers, costs, and more are pre-configured and easily accessible. In addition to pre-configured reports, customizable reports can be created based on multiple filters. Customized reports can also be scheduled to be emailed and arrive in your inbox on a regular basis. Other reports include aging reports that help identify stale work orders that may need to be reevaluated or batch updated.Assets including equipment, tools, materials and supplies can be tracked, inventoried and associated with work orders or preventive maintenance inspection schedules. Recurring profiles can be built and assigned at the asset level for preventative maintenance or regular inspections. Reactive work orders can be connected directly to the equipment for servicing and historical reporting. Dedicated reporting includes asset depreciation, end of useful life, warranty expirations.

Facilitron Work Management
quote icon

We should have had this system four years ago! This program does so much, and I'm excited about Facilitron because it's flexible and easy to use. It's the best work order system for any facilities operation department.

Cornell Williams

Cornell Williams, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Transportation
Banning USD

Learn why thousands of schools and facility owners have chosen Facilitron for their facility management, event scheduling, and work order management platform.

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