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Facilitron Works

Redefining Facility Maintenance Management

Where innovation meets efficiency, transforming work orders and asset management into a seamless, integrated experience.

Work Orders: Simple & Easy

Creating, assigning and completing work orders is at the heart of every maintenance program and Facilitron Works makes that process simple and easy.

Customizable Fields & Workflow screenshot
Customizable Fields & Workflow
Create easy-to-use work order forms by customizing fields based on user roles to make completing work straightforward and efficient.
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Auto-Assign Work Orders
Automatically assign work orders to trade leads or specific technicians based on criteria that you determine.
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Track Time & Material Costs
Technicians can easily log costs using the Facilitron Works mobile app featuring a work timer that automatically enters labor costs.
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Informative Status Reports
Requesters can access status reports to keep track of progress without contacting maintenance administrators for an update.

Reservation Work Orders: Connect Work Tasks to Events

Increase coordination between events and maintenance and other support services through an integration that automatically creates and links work orders to reservations in Facilitron S&R keeping everyone connected and organized.

Create Work Orders Automatically illustration
Create Orders Automatically
Setup rules for any facility based on criteria you specify to automatically create and link work orders any time an event is approved in Facilitron S&R .
Real-time Work Order Updates illustration
Real-time Work Order Updates
Anytime an event changes or is cancelled, the work order reopens so that the task can be modified and then closed upon completion.
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Preventive Maintenance: From Reactive to Proactive

Ramp up your preventive maintenance program whenever you’re ready with Facilitron Works easy-to-use profiles for recurring or scheduled work orders.

Custom Inspection Profiles

Manage thousands of work orders from a single profile.

Work order profiles screenshot

Detailed Task Lists

Easily assign and schedule detailed task lists.

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Assets & Consumables

Whether tracking fixed assets or consumable inventories Facilitron Works helps you gain insights into the condition, history, and performance of each asset for proactive maintenance and strategic planning.

Assets, Equipment, & Supplies

Associate assets with work orders, PM schedules, and more.

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Manage Consumables

Check out consumables from inventory and add them directly to work orders.

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Request Equipment

Request and check out equipment from warehouses with Toolroom .

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Dashboards & Reports

With intuitive dashboards and reports at your fingertips, Facilitron Works keeps you in-the-know regarding the health and productivity of your maintenance operation. Get immediate, meaningful updates on maintenance tasks, asset health, and worker performance to support smart planning and decisions.

Operational Dashboard

Keep data on your program’s performance and productivity upfront and center.

Operational dashboard screenshot

Customizable Reports

Use our reports or customize your own. Have them delivered on your schedule.

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Mobile App: Works on-the-go

Enhance productivity with the Facilitron Works mobile app. Manage facility work efficiently from anywhere, with capabilities to complete work orders, enter costs, and create new tasks right from your mobile device.

Complete Work Orders on-the-go

Enter work details and costs including our nifty work timer that automatically enters labor costs to work orders.

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Easily Create New Work Orders

Create new work orders in a snap with photos you add right from your mobile device.

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Facility Inspections & Reporting Tools

Facilitron FIT transforms your facility inspection process and enables detailed assessments and easy report generation, ensuring compliance with standards like California’s Williams Act inspections.

Customize & Schedule Inspections

Standardized and AI-created inspection templates, customizable and industry-standard rating scales and guided inspection tours that minimize training time and effort

FIT iPhone screenshot

Create Work Orders & Reports

Create work orders on-the-spot and export reports such as the Williams Settlement Inspection report directly to the State Allocation Board PDF form.

FIT Tablet screenshot

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Facilitron Works handle reactive work orders?
Facilitron Works simplifies the process of creating, assigning, and completing reactive work orders. You can easily manage work orders through customizable forms and automatic assignments, ensuring quick and efficient resolution of maintenance issues.
How can I customize work order forms in Facilitron Works?
Facilitron Works allows you to customize work order forms by adjusting fields based on user roles. This flexibility ensures that work order forms are tailored to your specific needs, making them more efficient and user-friendly.
How does Facilitron Works support asset management?
Facilitron Works helps you manage assets by associating them with work orders, tracking their condition and history, and managing consumables. This comprehensive approach supports proactive maintenance and strategic planning.
How can I schedule a demo of Facilitron Works?
To experience Facilitron Works firsthand, you can schedule a demo or attend a demo webinar through our website. This allows you to see the features and benefits in action and get answers to any specific questions you may have.

Learn why thousands of schools have chosen Facilitron for their facility management and event scheduling platform.