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No Cost Services for School Districts during COVID-19 Outbreak

No Cost Services for School Districts during COVID-19 Outbreak

Facilitron is assisting districts across the country in conducting a number of critical tasks during the coronavirus pandemic. At no cost, Facilitron is conducting basic onboarding of new districts in order to expedite the ability to assist with the critical scheduling and tracking of activities that may occur in response to the pandemic.

Basic onboarding will allow all buildings and grounds to be available on the platform for internal scheduling and reporting to include reservations, suspended events, payments or credits, rate schedules, fee structures, facilities designated as shelters and other information.

Facilitron calendars and reports can be a single source of information for all events that are taking place during the Coronavirus mitigation orders. By entering ALL facility use in the system with robust details such as staff hours versus public hours, employees on duty, etc. a district can at-a-glance see who is/was in what site during specific days/hours.

  • The implementation of the full platform (photos, etc) can be completed at a later date when staff returns and operations resume.
  • Most of the required implementation tasks can be conducted through email, file sharing, and via conference calls or webinars with available staff.

Critical/Emergency Tasks Support

Critical tasks that Facilitron is assisting districts to conduct:


As much district facility use is on hold for the next few weeks, Facilitron can handle suspension of reservations and all communication to community organizations. When the suspension is lifted, Facilitron can quickly reinstate any existing community events (where applicable) and provide detailed reporting for budget analysis of COVID-19 expenses and lost revenue, as well as potential reimbursement or grant applications should the state/federal government have funds appropriated for this purpose.

Food Distribution, Childcare & Community Outreach

As district/school sites participate in any food distribution over the next few weeks, Facilitron can track distribution including sites involved and number of meals distributed. For purposes of internal tracking, reporting to a school board or in the event state/federal government earmark funds to reimburse expenses or lost revenue to districts, this data tracks and verifies facility use, staff time and meals or other provided by the District. Here’s an example in Glendora USD in California (Glendora is tracking dates, times, staff, how many kids are being served each day, etc.).

Coordination and collaboration with internal and external departments

Any activity taking place at district or school facilities while buildings are officially “closed” may require coordination with other departments such as operations for HVAC, with security, or for scheduling custodial. These activities might include something as basic as payroll administrators working to execute payroll to more complex activities. Every activity conducted while buildings are “closed” will also benefit from being tracked for reporting purposes.

Shelters and Point of Dispensing

While you’ll inevitably see a decline in reservations temporarily, government/disaster relief entities will very likely reach out to school districts as vaccinations become available to the public. As agencies reach out to our partner districts to set up test sites, supply distribution, and eventually vaccination clinics at various campuses, our team is ready to help facilitate this process.

How to Get Started

Facilitron’s implementation team can conduct a quick call to review next steps and provide more information.

Contact Us to Get Started

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Learn why thousands of schools have chosen Facilitron for their facility management and event scheduling platform.