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COVID-19 Updates and FAQs

COVID-19 Updates and FAQs

Renter FAQs

Can I cancel my reservation?

Facilitron allows renters to request to cancel or suspend a reservation. Cancellation or suspend requests may be subject to the policies of the specific public space owner organization (such as a school district) where the reservation was placed.

Canceling a reservation loses priority status and requires a new application to reinstate.

Suspending a reservation allows it to be reinstated when availability is reopened.

Should I suspend or cancel my reservation?

Facilitron recommends that reservations be suspended rather than canceled. Suspending a reservation allows the renter to retain “priority status” for future dates once the reservation is reinstated and avoids having to create a new reservation which then must go through an approval process and be subject to other guidelines. Payments made on suspended reservations become a credit in your reservation or account and can be applied to the reinstated reservation or any future use.

How will I know if my reservation is going to be suspended?

Facilitron is working with facility owners to stay up-to-date with the latest developments regarding the reopening of facilities. If a facility owner extends their closure dates and your reservation is affected you will receive a notification from Facilitron on the change of status. Changes and updates to policies affecting reservations are often posted on community or school district rental sites in the “Alerts” section found on the upper right hand corner of the page.

If I must cancel, how do I request a refund?

To receive a refund, a reservation must first be canceled and then have a request for refund submitted.

To submit a request for a refund, email

Please include the following information:

Subject Line: Refund Request
Your reservation id#
The reason for request
Date(s) affected

If you prefer a refund to original form of payment, please complete the Application for Refund form.

Please note that due to interruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not able to provide a timeframe for receipt at this moment. Due to the number of requests, refunds will be processed in order of receipt based on the date of the initial request.

Credited amounts eligible for refund will continue to appear as a credit in your account or on your reservation until the refund is completed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Facilitron will announce facility reopenings and notify users with suspended reservations and/or credits as soon as announcements by the districts are made. Users may contact customer support to reschedule events.


Until we determine the exact date for reinstating school facilities on a district by district basis, we are unable to provide a cohesive plan for rescheduling and/or other compensatory measures for missed events. Thank you for your understanding in this regard.

Please note that this policy/terms/conditions are subject to change/liable to change at any time at Facilitron’s discretion.

What if I have a past due balance?

If you have outstanding invoices or past due balances, you may qualify for one of several options regarding payments—including plans that may work for you and satisfy the school district or facility owner including reinstating your standing as a renter.

To learn more about the options available, contact Facilitron support at 800-272-2962 and choose extension 1. Or you may email us at Please indicate “Payment Options Request” in your subject line.

Facility Admin FAQs

What is Facilitron doing to assist its customers regarding the coronavirus pandemic?

Facilitron is providing support to renters and best practice guidance to the staff and administrators of all our public space partners. Our first priority is to abide by state, local or district directives, but also to assist facility owners in identifying reservations on the platform that may need to be suspended (such as indoor events or events exceeding a certain level of attendance) and assisting them in taking the appropriate actions.

How can I find out what actions neighboring school districts or facility owners are taking?

Facilitron account managers are working with facility owners across the country and are able to share information and best practices easily across the network of Facilitron partners. This information can help owners understand how others in a state or region are approaching issues and provide a number of potential solutions.

What is the benefit to a renter for suspending rather than canceling reservations?

Many events that are scheduled at school sites provide extracurricular activities for youth and community while also providing a livelihood for event directors, coaches, etc. By keeping reservations in the system that have been delayed due to the coronavirus, renters maintain their place in line with all information accessible through Facilitron "Suspend" reports and calendars. Once the ban on group activities is lifted, this will enable groups to set new dates and repurpose their original reservations.

How can Facilitron help?

Facilitron will continue to post information on district rental sites regarding the policy of the day as dictated by emergency response to the coronavirus. Once the ban on group activities is lifted, Facilitron will reach out to all the renters and work on repurposing their events.

Why should facility owners like school districts "suspend" a reservation rather than simply canceling or declining it?

When a state of emergency is called, many government crisis response plans kick into gear and in some cases, this includes funding and reimbursement for expenses, loss of revenue, and hardship due to an emergency situation. By "suspending" reservations, public space owners like school districts will have access to a report showing all lost revenue—numbers that can and should be included in future budget analysis and reporting. Once coronavirus is under control, these suspended reservations can be reactivated in order to repurpose and reschedule events where possible.

How can Facilitron help?

Facilitron will continue to monitor incoming reservation requests and will, if desired by the district, automatically suspend anything that comes in over a certain period of time. Facilitron will then provide training on suspend reports, share best practices from our network of districts, and keep renters in the loop.

Why should a school district keep availability open when we know we don't want groups on our sites?

Many city Emergency Operation Centers, Red Cross agencies, and other emergency response teams have use of schools written into their plans. When students are not present, schools will be asked by state and local government to provide facilities for various activities from Red Cross shelters to Points of Dispensing. By keeping availability open, those entities will be able to put in reservations allowing districts to track everything the schools are participating in on behalf of the community. As for non-essential reservations, please see "Why should facility owners like school districts 'suspend' a reservation rather than simply canceling or declining it?"

How can Facilitron help?

Facilitron will continue to monitor incoming reservation requests and will work with emergency management requests and school districts on providing what the community needs in a safely managed way. Everything will be recorded and tracked for future reporting.

Why is it important for facility owners to track all expenses and revenue loss due to the coronavirus?

Best practices are formed out of Big Data that is collected and analyzed in order to better handle situations in the future. During a worldwide pandemic, it will be critical to understand the fiscal impact on school districts—including loss of revenue as well as expenses generated by the use of facilities during a crisis. Following a state of emergency, there are sometimes opportunities to recoup some of those funds but only if the documentation is accurate and accessible.

How can Facilitron help?

Facilitron has created a way to "suspend" reservations which allows school districts to easily pull data on events that have been affected by the coronavirus. This covers all rentals that cannot currently take place. Facilitron can also track event requests based on attendance. Lastly, Facilitron can help streamline the process of emergency response in school sites while tracking the expenses incurred by having facilities used by community members, Red Cross agencies, Emergency Operations Centers, and more.

Learn why thousands of schools have chosen Facilitron for their facility management and event scheduling platform.