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Hold Harmless Agreements Change in Response to COVID-19

Hold Harmless Agreements Change in Response to COVID-19

Restrictions are lifting and Facilitron school district partners are beginning to allow community members, youth athletics, and summer camps back on their campuses. While some states have begun to release standards and guidelines, many districts are adding hold harmless agreements to rental reservation requests or requiring special indemnification agreements to access school grounds.

California Districts Add Hold Harmless Agreements

Facilitron account managers and customer service staff have received calls requesting special hold harmless agreements or language be added to reservation terms and conditions on the platform. Though such policies and protocols are changing almost daily, Facilitron’s no-cost platform includes these updates as part of our ongoing support.

With the permission of the district partners from which they were sourced, here are two types of hold harmless agreements Facilitron has added to facility owner accounts on the platform.

(Please note that these documents along with the other information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; all information, content, and materials available on this site are for informational purposes only.)

General Hold Harmless and Indemnification Language

This short agreement is intended for use at districts who have opened certain campus facilities to the community for purposes such as exercise but are seeking an additional level of indemnification. The language could be used in various ways such as adding it to the facility use permit with an optional requirement for the permit to be printed, signed and uploaded or brought to the event location.

Short Indemnification Agreement:

Download: Word PDF

Detailed Hold Harmless Agreement for Facility Use Leases

This hold harmless agreement is intended for traditional facility use agreements with community organizations who are accessing school facilities to hold events. It includes specific indemnification language about the COVID-19 virus and disease. This document may be best used to update the general Terms & Conditions that a renter agrees to in the facility request process.

Full Hold Harmless Agreement:

Download: Word PDF

Detailed Hold Harmless Addendum for Facility Use Leases

This hold harmless and indemnification agreement specifically addresses the new coronavirus and was created for use as an addendum to a standard facility use agreement. It includes language that directly addresses the responsibility of the renter to follow all federal, state, and local guidelines as well as take responsibility for all cleaning requirements. Created by an insurance alliance of schools, this document, once added to a district’s Terms & Conditions, clearly addresses all aspects of liability around the COVID-19 virus.

Hold Harmless Addendum:

Download: Word PDF

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